
Part IV. Northern Exposure

July 8 1995

Glacier National Park, Montana, is a truly beautiful place. We thoroughly enjoyed the mountain air and scenery. We went on a couple of hikes, one of which was on snow, and saw some distant glaciers. we were also lucky enough to see a wolf. Driving all the way up Logan Pass (6800 feet) and we were stunned by its sheer beauty. We met a friendly Canadian couple along the way and are planning to stay with them on their farm later.

July 14 1995

We spent some time on a farm in Alberta before passing through Dawson Creek, mile 0 of the Alaska Highway. 1523 miles to Fairbanks. The truckers here are nuts! We placed our sign among the 2300 at Sign Post Forest in Washington, BC. This part of Canada is lush and deserted... and we love it! We hear it's hot as hell down south in the lower 48. Here it's cool...

July 25 1995

Here we are! The Northern State of Alaska. It's taken 48 days, we've driven 7785 miles and seen enough rain and mosquito's for a life time. We crossed the Arctic Ocean. We've seen bear, moose, wolf, bison, elk and Santa at the North Pole! We are hoping to visit Denali National Park and then Anchorage! Then we head south to the warmth.

Part I: An Introduction to Alan and Tracy's journey
Part II: Canadian Capers
Part III: Not such Bad Lands
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